Driving to work has not always been customary. Well before Covid-19 initiated a massive shift in our transportation habits, an earthquake was triggered in Berlin by Carl Benz. 134 years later, 86 percent of Americans commute by car, according to Statista's global consumer survey. In an effort to increase the small five percent of Americans who bike, Washington D.C. dubbed May 14th National Bike To Work Day. Take a step into the future with an approach that’s stood the test of time. The benefits are endless and the feeling is priceless.

Change doesn’t always have to be uncomfortable. And while the pandemic forced a lot we weren’t ready for, in respect to the climate crisis, everything needed a good shake. With offices shutting down and the health of our nation in question, it was time to start working smarter not harder. In a year full of numbers and statistics, one trend was for the better. It’s estimated that in just the Western United States alone, biking levels have increased by 253 percent. People are getting outside and back to life (only better). In reaction to this wave, states across the country are adding bike paths, changing infrastructure and considering their long term transportations plans through a new lens. Congress is working together on a five-year federal transportation bill and New York is even considering a project that would pave the way for 425 miles of uninterrupted bikeways. Why latch to the past when a new normal is being crafted? We’re at the ground floor of generational change, don’t get back in the car and fall behind.

The benefits of biking are familiar and long lasting. A better heart rate, increased mobility, stronger legs, arms and core, but some could argue the mental benefits are just as strong. Whether you’re looking for a workout or an afternoon unwind, an ebike is empowered to adjust to your ideal. Want a new view? Turn. What a faster pace? Switch gears. Looking to work your legs? Lower the pedal assist. Everything about your route is up to you and the threat of traffic or parking spots can’t change the feeling of a sunny day. It’s freedom worked into a compact, independent frame. Enjoy the weather and stretch your legs rather than going from seat to seat with no life in between. Biking is a way to get outside and the advantage of a motor and a throttle just means you can go faster and work less.

Blix Benefits
- Burn Calories
- Stretch Your Legs
- Soak Up Vitamin D
- Experience The World Around You
- Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

In preparation for an onslaught of benefits, pick your route, pack a bag and grab a helmet. This holiday is an invitation to get loose so have fun with it. Build in some extra time and take note of the changes you feel. A boosted mood and increased energy should both be expected so don’t be surprised if this becomes an everyday thing. Everyone has to do their part to support the beauty of the world we live in. Today, in honor of the holiday, do yours with Blix.