Like many of us, the pandemic brought change for Deann. In her case, it was a new Blix Bike.
Married to a “kind-of snobby bike guy,” two-wheeled adventures aren’t exactly new for Deann and her husband, a retired couple loving life. Their summers are spent sailing, and two bikes are always in tow. Recently turned on to the idea of a folding bicycle, Deann started looking for one of her own. Online searches eventually led her to Blix.

The look caught her eye first, then the foldability of the Vika+. Her husband was a fan of the fancy brakes and gears, and she liked the cream-colored frame and leather seat and handlebars. Because of the pandemic, they weren’t spending money on going out to eat or traveling and were able to add another bike to their collection. In March, 2020—sight unseen and test-rides undone—the order was placed.
When the huge, big box arrived sometime later, it was like Christmas. Set up was easy, and then Deann took off on a little ride around the neighborhood. Right away, she was taken by how much she loved the bike.
Now, it’s a regular companion for the couple’s many adventures. The Vika Carrying Bag makes it easy to move the bike from the dock to the deck. With every small town they find themselves in, Deann’s always getting compliments on her bike, which makes her proud because it’s so beautiful. She’s happy to show onlookers how it folds, conjuring up awe in the cafes and donut shops they visit.
On her favorite Lake Michigan cruise, they slipped into Wisconsin's Washington Island and were surprised to find a series of pop-up concerts. To hear all that the Milwaukee Symphony was offering, they set a goal to make it to all five concerts on the island—making it a 30-mile adventure “over hill and dale.” She did it, and wasn’t even winded.
In fact, being able to sail while easily carrying a bike was one of the big motivators that drove Deann to the Vika+. The other? Keep up with her husband. Not only is she able to keep up with her husband on their island adventures and trips to the local state park, but she never misses a chance to say “zoom zoom” when she passes him.
The e-bike’s been stored for the Michigan winter, but 2022 will bring more sailing adventures. And the Vika+ will be on board.