Ways to Improve The Relationship With Yourself

Why the relationship with yourself is important

When life gets busy, it’s easy to lose sight of the connection between yourself and others. Jennifer Kogan, LICSW, a psychotherapist and couples counseling expert, says, “[You] need to be grounded in who we are before we can have healthy relationships with others.” Here are a few tips on how to connect with yourself.

Pay attention to how you’re feeling

When you’re in significant relationships or have kiddos, your well-being may be put on the back burner. Even when life gets booked and busy, there are some ways to check in with yourself and pay attention to how you’re feeling.

  • Use your alone time to take a deep breath and slow down
  • Pay attention to tension throughout your body, especially your neck and jaw
  • Plan time for self-care
  • Wake up early to find more hours in the day
  • Take time to cook a healthy and hearty meal to nourish your body


Start a journal

Kaiser Permanente says, “From scientific geniuses to thoughtful artists — and everyone in between — keeping a journal can be a beneficial self-care practice.”

Journaling just 10 minutes each day can not only tell you a more accurate representation of how you’re feeling, but it can also help you gain more self-confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, and strengthen your memory.

There’s no right or wrong way to journal. Just grab a pen and paper and let your mind run wild.

Move your body

Movement can be the best medicine, and daily exercise can be a great way to check in with your body and wellbeing.

Even though it may be hard to get off the couch some days, putting some time aside for exercise can help you notice how you’re feeling emotionally and physically.

It doesn’t have to be an hour-long bike ride with your Blix or an intense hit session. Even just 15 to 30 minutes of movement daily will boost endorphins and give you time to breathe and be alone.

At Blix, we believe your health is important

Blix believes that physical and mental health is an excellent step toward living a healthier and more fulfilling life. If you’ve been looking for a more fun way to get your daily movement in, consider trying Blix. Check out our bike models, and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.