Benefits of Less Screen Time

When life gets busy, it’s easy to get caught up on screens. While screens are necessary to complete certain tasks, it’s important to be conscious of how much time we spend on devices. Here are some benefits of spending your time off screens.

Improves physical health.

It’s evident that exercising is important to contribute to a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes we feel that life feels too busy to get outside or complete a quick workout. Putting boundaries on yourself and your screens can free up time to focus on what means the most. Your body! So, make an effort to close your work computer at 5:30 to do yoga or bike. Or, make sure you walk the pup first thing in the morning, not scroll on social media. You may have to be strict with yourself initially, but you will be surprised by how much time opens up in your schedule.

man riding bike

Helps focus

How often do you miss out on little things when looking at your phone? A good example of this is when you’re in nature. It’s easy to miss out on beautiful views when staring down at a screen. To start, try putting all phones away when you’re eating dinner. This is an easy way to disconnect from the online world and focus on friends and family in the moment.

Boosts mood

Putting a screen down and doing something you enjoy can be a huge mood booster. Not only can it help you feel more accomplished, but it can benefit your mental health. Studies show that spending time online, especially on social media, can negatively impact your perception of yourself. So, boost your mood by getting out there! Just taking some time to put your phone away and take a long ride on your Blix can help boost those dopamine levels.

Improves sleep

Research suggests that increased screen time may be related to a decrease in both sleep quality and sleep duration. This is because it’s hard to get off our screens when it’s time for our bodies to wind down and go to sleep. Whether it’s working late, watching funny videos, or scrolling through a website, this screen time can strain our eyes and keep us awake. If you have trouble putting down your phone before bed, try plugging it in outside your bedroom before bedtime. Your body and physical energy will thank you later!

If you want to spend more of your time off screens and live in the moment, it may be easier than you think. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. If you have any experiences that helped you get off your screen, Make sure to join our Blix Riders Group on Facebook and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram.