Are Ebikes REALLY More Sustainable?

E-bikes are a fun mode of transportation and a tool that allows us to spend more time outdoors, but just how sustainable are they? We’ll cut straight to the chase and let you know that an electric bike is the most eco-friendly choice compared to most other modes of transportation. They’re even more energy efficient than conventional bicycles. Here’s how and why ebikes are a greener way to get around.

A Way to Curb Carbon Emissions

It’s no secret that global warming is already taking a toll on our environment and communities around the world. Many people also know that this is a result of humanity’s dependence on fossil fuels. A significant proportion of these fossil fuels are used for transportation, accounting for roughly 27% of the United States’ carbon emissions.

Ebikes have emerged as an efficient, environmentally-friendly transport solution. Electric bikes reduce carbon emissions in a few ways:

  • Ebikes produce zero emissions while they’re being ridden
  • Throughout their lifecycle, ebikes are responsible for less emissions than gasoline, hybrid, and electric cars
  • Ebikes do less damage on roads (which reduces the need for new, highly-emitting asphalt)

Compared to a conventional car with a lifecycle carbon footprint of 240 g/km emissions, an electric bicycle is responsible for just 25 g/km. Even compared to a conventional bicycle, ebikes have been deemed a more sustainable way to get around.

An investigation by BikeRadar found that ebikes are sustainably superior to traditional bicycles due to the fact that the cyclist doesn’t require extra food to “fuel” their ride. While about 25% of a bike’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the manufacturing stage, the rest is linked to the food calories required to get a rider to work on time or up a large hill.

Because ebikes are equipped with PAS that enables easier riding, riders burn fewer calories. Even when electricity use and battery manufacturing are considered, ebikes are still associated with less greenhouse gas emissions than pedal bikes.

Getting from A-to-B More Quickly

As a win-win for riders and our planet, ebikes are also more sustainable because they’re capable of bypassing traffic and roadway congestion. Idling cars aren’t just bad for your stress levels. They’re also poor for air quality and our heat-trapping atmosphere.

When cars idle or move slowly in stop-and-go traffic, they emit more carbon per mile than they do when traveling at a higher speed (30-45 MPH). Not only that, but our stuck-in-traffic cars are responsible for dangerous air pollutants like particulate matter, ground-level ozone, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead, and nitrogen dioxide.

Because there are no tailpipe emissions from an ebike, they don’t produce any of these hazardous air pollutants. They also aren’t responsible for 30 million tons of carbon emissions, like idling cars are. As you whip through bike lanes and pass through standstill traffic, you can feel good knowing that you will make it to work on time and save the planet in the process.

More Time Spent in Nature

Throughout history, bikes and ebikes have transformed communities. They’ve also transformed our relationship with nature and our environment. By simply spending more time in the natural world, we’re more inclined to want to do our part to protect it.

Whether you’re cruising to work on your Vika+ or exploring a local trail on your Ultra, you're immersing yourself in the sights and sounds of our shared home. There’s no inspiration for environmentalism like getting to know Earth.

Whatever your reason is for buying an ebike, Blix will be here to help you keep moving forward. We’re here to inspire more people to live a more healthy and fun lifestyle. The fact that ebikes are more sustainable is just an added bonus.