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"Most amazing bike we have ever experienced!" -The Baileys

October 18, 2019

Last month, the Baileys tested adding a Blix Packa to their lifestyle with two adorable little girls in tow! The Baileys love finding new ways to adventure on their Youtube channel BabyBaileyMamaDrama and couldn't wait to see everywhere they could go on the Packa. Learn about their experience in our latest Blix Journal and check out their Youtube video!


The Baileys were really impressed with the rear rack on the Packa because "you can customize it to your liking"  and it is big enough to hold two kids! Being able to fit two kids was really important to the Baileys because "usually when we've been bike riding or go on vacation it's usually just one kid on the bike unless we carry one of those trailers which our kids don't like." The Packa "was great because our kids like being on the bike." 

Also, if the kids weren't going to be riding on the back or you needed the Packa for errands, you can add other accessories! Another great feature is "there are two lights, one in the front and the back which are LED lights, so great for safety and being able to see at night." The Packa can go "up to 70 miles" so "this thing is so cool when I first got on it and I just gave it a little bit of a pedal you can just feel how it backs you up and powers it forward so you don't actually have to do a lot of the pedaling." This is super helpful especially if "you have all this weight back here if you're carrying kids on it. You don't even feel them back there."

 The Baileys favorite part? No sweating! Just kidding, but they do enjoy the "wind in their hair" and having a USB port! "The Packa is pretty much a replacement for your car I mean you can charge your phone on it, you can listen to music."  Goodbye Car! Even grandpa got in on the fun and "loved the ride!"  The Packa fills the "need for speed." Plus,"it is perfect if you have kids!"

Watch their full review here!


Thank you to the Baileys for testing the Blix! 


More information on the Packa available here!

Check out why other moms love the Packa here!

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