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Blix Presents:

Rider Stories

These stories are a celebration of life and new paths forward. They chronicle the small moments that allow us to find joy in every journey. The humans of Blix know the power in simply getting outside—and at every turn, we’ll be there to share their experiences and revelations.

The Joy is in the Journey

Whether enjoying the forest’s peace and quiet or getting the heart racing with a fun, scary ride, the Gooch family knows what it means to truly live. A ride with them inspires us to unplug and seek moments that feed our hearts.

Woman's Best Friend(s)

When a high-energy blue heeler became a part of Patti’s family, meeting the dog’s exercise needs helped her, too. In every ride, she let her emotions flow and discovered what it is to be free. Her story reminds us that it’s easier to accept what comes before you with the wind in your hair.

Wheels Spinning, Words Flowing

For poet Tshaka, prose comes in the pockets of time he spends on his ebike. For him, a self-proclaimed “enjoyer of life,” his rides are a slow motion way to embrace the small wonders that make a place home.

Thanks to this rider, we’re reminded that our pedaling doesn’t need a preamble—when we just get out there and simply go, we’ll be provided with reasons to continue moving forward.